Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, 1884m

Moraine Lake, Banff National Park, 1884m

I actually find it hilarious that I couldn’t find any good pictures I had lying around of Moraine Lake to use for this page. I’ve been there plenty of times but I guess it never occurred to me to take more than a GoPro video. Moraine Lake is a bright blue lake in the Lake Louise area of Banff National Park, it is extremely popular and incredibly crowded. If you want parking in the summer then prepare to be there by 6am at the latest.

Moraine Lake is nice, but I think the only reason it is so popular is because it is accessible by car. There are many lakes that I think are nicer than Moraine Lake and that will have less people lurking around. If you want nice lakes without people go across the highway from Lake Louise to the Skoki Area. They have Hidden Lake, Ptarmigan Lake, Baker Lake, the Red Deer Lakes (Upper and Lower), Redoubt Lake, Merlin Lake, Zigadenus Lake, Myosotis Lake and many more, each at least 8km from the highway! I would suggest Hidden Lake if you are looking for the nice blue color that Moraine Lake has, the water in Hidden Lake is actually incredibly clear for the color as well.

Visits: Mount Temple